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How the Bengal School of Art Challenged the Status Quo

In the 18th century, Ghulam Ali Khan, renowned for his Company style painting, adapted to survive the Mughal decline and British rise, balancing Mughal and European influences. In contrast, Abanindranath Tagore, pioneering the Bengal School of Art in the 19th century, fought to revive and redefine Indian art with a focus on nationalism and mythology, rebelling against Western artistic dominance.

Revdi hain ya Majboori?

In the realm of governance, the motivations behind welfare policies often raise questions. Is the government extending a helping hand out of genuine compassion, or is it a strategic move to navigate a looming crisis?

India’s Youth is Battling Rising Temperatures, Inflation, and Unemployment

India is facing a multifaceted challenge with rising temperatures, inflation, and unemployment. The disparity in growth and opportunities between different regions is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. The government's policy of privatizing the public sector has led to a significant decline in government job opportunities, impacting youth across the country.

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How the Bengal School of Art Challenged the Status Quo

In the 18th century, Ghulam Ali Khan, renowned for his Company style painting, adapted to survive the Mughal decline and British rise, balancing Mughal and European influences. In contrast, Abanindranath Tagore, pioneering the Bengal School of Art in the 19th century, fought to revive and redefine Indian art with a focus on nationalism and mythology, rebelling against Western artistic dominance.

Revdi hain ya Majboori?

In the realm of governance, the motivations behind welfare policies often raise questions. Is the government extending a helping hand out of genuine compassion, or is it a strategic move to navigate a looming crisis?

India’s Youth is Battling Rising Temperatures, Inflation, and Unemployment

India is facing a multifaceted challenge with rising temperatures, inflation, and unemployment. The disparity in growth and opportunities between different regions is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. The government's policy of privatizing the public sector has led to a significant decline in government job opportunities, impacting youth across the country.